Pipeline Tools (PE)

Plant Engineering > Pipeline Tools

The Pipeline Tools function group contains functions for the processing of pipelines:

Change pipe class and/or nominal diameter of all parts

This function enables you to automatically change the pipe class and/or nominal diameter of all parts on an existing pipeline.

Click to open a pull-down menu with further functions for pipelines:

Divide pipeline

Merge pipeline

Change route

Exchange valves, in only one pipeline

Exchange valves, in all pipelines

Change pipeline colour

Change pipeline layer

Change pipeline name

Determine volume

Fit insulation

Delete insulation

Display insulation

Show insulation

Hide insulation

Start ROHR2

Create ROHR2 NTR file

Assign pipe class and/or nominal diameter

This function enables you to change the pipe classes and/or nominal diameters assigned to a pipeline during creation.

Click to open a pull-down menu with further functions for the checking of pipelines:

Close gaps within a pipeline

Check part structure (active pipeline)

Check for invalid nominal diameter matings (active pipeline)

Check pipe lengths (active pipeline)

Check validity of nominal part diameters

Check part structure (all pipelines)

Check for invalid nominal diameter matings (active pipeline)

Check pipe lengths (all pipelines)


This function enables you to move and rotate a pipeline, i.e. change its position and alignment.

Copy pipeline

This function enables you to copy the pipeline, under a different name, within a drawing.

Delete pipeline

Use this function to completely delete a pipeline in a drawing.


Many functions require the selection of a pipeline before they can be executed. This will be indicated in HiCAD by the

Select display

message in the user guidance bar at the bottom.

When you move the cursor over a pipeline, the pipeline (including named points) will be highlighted (Marking colour 1), as shown below in (a). Then, select the pipeline by a simple left-click.

If a pipeline had been previously activated, e.g. because a different function was applied to it, this pipeline, too, will be highlighted in a different colour (Marking colour 3) during selection (b). This pipeline could also be directly selected, just like any other pipeline (c).

Right-click to open a context menu allowing a direct selection of the active pipeline or the cancelling of the function.

Plant Engineering FunctionsCreate Pipeline (PE)Activate Pipeline (PE)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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