Create Exploded View (3-D)

Views > Representation > Shaded > Exploded view

Exploded view (tab or docking window) > Activate exploded view

To create a view with an exploded layout for a drawing or an assembly of a drawing, proceed as follows:

  1. Load the desired drawing.
  2. Create a new view for the exploded layout, e.g. Exploded view_1.
  3. Activate this view and call the Exploded view  function.

This activates the Exploded view mode, as can be seen by the green symbol at the top left corner of the drawing area:

The Exploded view docking window will be opened automatically. There you can create a new exploded view.

  1. Now you can define the desired motion types. Possible are:

Each applied transformation will be recorded in the Exploded view docking window, e.g.:

Via this "explosion log" you can also change transformations of the exploded view subsequently.


Please note:

Exploded ViewRepresentation Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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