Information - Other Functions

Information > 3-D, Further 

Information, 3-D point coordinates

Shows the coordinates of any 3-D points.

Please note the following:
Before using this function to detect the absolute coordinates of this part, delete all processing planes, as otherwise the coordinates relative to the active processing plane instead of the coordinates relative to the absolute World CS origin will be displayed.

Information, 3-D Graphical elements and radii

Displays information about arbitrary 3-D line elements and radii. These can be, for example:

  • Length
  • Start and end point
  • Layer, colour, line type
  • Radius
  • Centre point
  • Length
  • Layer, colour, line type
  • Radius
  • Centre, start and end point
  • Length
  • Layer, colour, line type
  • Length of semi-axes
  • Centre point
  • Length
  • Layer, colour, line type
  • Length of semi-axes
  • Centre, start and end point
  • Length
  • Layer, colour, line type

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with the following functions:


Displays information about 3-D sketches, namely the relative composite edge number, the total length and the number of points.

Open polylines

Checks whether a 3-D Sketch is closed.


Detects self-intersections in a 3-D sketch.

Information, 3-D surface

Displays information about 3-D surfaces.

Information 3-D part, Surface area, Volume, Mass*

Detects the surface area, the volume and the mass of the active part. Please note that the mass depends on the material assigned to the part.

Please note:

  • If an assembly contains only parts with fixed weights, or if the weight of the assembly is a fixed weight, this will be indicated by the text (fixed) in the dialogue window. In this case the display in the dialogue window and in the Weight field of the assembly attributes mask will be identical.

  • If an assembly contains only some parts with fixed weights, this will be indicated by the text (partly fixed) in the dialogue window. In this case the display in the dialogue window and in the Weight field of the assembly attributes mask will be identical, as only fixed parts are considered there.

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with the following functions:

Information 3-D part, Mass moment of inertia, complete 

Detects the mass moment of inertia of the active 3-D part.

Information 3-D part, Mass moment of inertia in relation to axis

Here you need to define the axis of the mass moment of inertia.

Information, Bounding box

This function displays the bounding box for the active part.

*These functions can also be found in the context menu for 3-D parts at Properties > Geometry information.

Information, Text 

Displays the text attributes of the identified text.

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with the following functions:

Text insertion points

Identifies text insertion points in the drawing temporarily by means of a triangle symbol.

Graphical elements and radii (3-D)

Information > 3-D, Further > 3-D GE and radii

This function displays information on arbitrary 3-D graphical elements and radii.

Identify the graphical element.

The following information is output:

Information, 3-D Surface

Information > 3-D, Further > 3-D Surface

This function displays information about 3-D surfaces. These are: Surface area, centroid and normal vector. Inner cycles are taken into account as well. In this case, the number of surface cycles is output additionally.

Information, 3-D Sketch

Information > 3-D, Further > Line > Sketch, Open polylines

Use this function to check whether a sketch is closed. In addition, length and surface area of the sketch and, if desired, other calculation data are detected.

  1. HiCAD checks whether the active sketch is closed and issues a corresponding message.
  2. Close the message window with OK. For non-closed sketches the function will be ended.
  3. For closed sketches, length and surface area will be detected. If you want the program to display further calculation data, e.g. moments of inertia, moments of resistance, centroid coordinates etc, click Yes.

In addition, the Sketch, Self-intersection function is available, that enables you to check sketches for self-intersections. Detected self-intersections are marked with a small circle.

Information 3-D part, Mass moment of inertia, complete 

Information 3-D part, Mass moment of inertia, complete

This function determines the mass moment of inertia of the active 3-D part. The mass moment of inertia is the measure of a rotating body's resistance to a change in speed.

The concept of the moment of inertia plays an important role in rotational movements of bodies in physics and technology. Examples are gyroscopic phenomena, spectroscopy as well as all rotating parts in engines.

The function Information 3-D part, Mass moment of inertia in relation to axis works in a largely similar way, you need however define the axis of the moment of inertia.

Information, Bounding box 

Information, Bounding box

This function displays the so-called bounding box of the active part. This is the smallest cuboid that completely encloses the part. Identify the view in which you want the bounding box to be displayed.

The light-cube coordinates are stored as system variables ZMAX, ZMAY, ZMAZ und ZMINX, ZMINY, ZMINZ in the Variables Memory.

Identical part search

Information > 3-D, Further > Identic.

Use this function to find in the current drawing 3-D parts with identical geometry.

HiCAD finds all parts in the drawing whose geometries coincides with the selected part. The found parts are highlighted in the drawing, and a message informing you about the number of identical parts is displayed.

Use this function to check whether the geometry of two parts is identical. Identify the two parts. If the geometries of the parts coincide, they are highlighted.

Collision check

Information > 3-D, Further > Coll.

This function enables you to check whether the sub-parts of the active part collide. If the active, superordinate part is a solid, HioCAD will also check whether the active part itself collides with one of its sub-parts. Self-intersections of the active part will not be indicated here.

2 parts

Indicates the collision of two arbitrary parts. After choosing the function, select the two parts.

Collisions of a sub-part of the first identified part and a sub-part of the second identified part will be shown. Collisions of two sub-parts which are both located beneath one of the selected parts will not be indicated.

All parts

Indicates collisions of all parts of a drawing.

Selected parts

Indicates collisions of all parts of the current part list, i.e. all currently marked parts. Before calling this function, select the required parts, either in the drawing or in the ICN.

In contrast to the 2 parts option, the collisions of all sub-parts of the superordinate parts contained in the part list will be indicated individually here.

If no collision is found, a corresponding message is displayed:


If a collision is found, it will be highlighted if desired, and you can decide whether you want to continue the check.

For each collision, a collision part called Collision of the type Solid is created, with the geometry of the collision. This contains the part "copies" of the two parts causing the collision. These copies are dummy parts that have no geometry and only limited part attributes. These two dummy parts serve with the names of the parts causing the collision. This serves to clarify the cause of the collision more quickly, since the collision part may be very small and often almost invisible visually. As a rule, the name of the source part displayed in the ICN, including article number and comment, is used as the part name and article number of these dummy parts. An exception are collision parts that are not "real" parts. In this case, the name of the superordinate part is used for the dummy part. All collision parts are combined under the name Collision group. This applies to threads, sheet metal flanges, bend zones and sub-parts of series beams and profiles.


In the image below, the sheet metal part - or more precisely the flange - collides with the cuboid.

Select active part

Information > 3-D, Further> Select

The Select active part function highlights the active part in your drawing.

In the pull-down menu of the function you will find other functions for marking referenced parts.


Checks whether a particular part is referenced.

Identical parts

Finds and highlights all identical parts of a referenced part.

All parts

Finds and highlights all referenced parts of the drawing.

InformationInformation - 2-D, Other Functions