Insertion Options for Beams and Profiles (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > New > Insert new standard beam

The insertion functions for beams and profiles enable you to choose different insertion options:

  1. the beam,
  2. the type of insertion,
  3. the beam length,
  4. the fitting point,
  5. the insertion depth,
  6. the rotation angle, the mirroring and the alignment in web direction.

If one of the buttons is highlighted in light green colour, the corresponding option is active.

Beams + Profiles - Insertion options


When inserting standard beams, you can use this option to choose another standard part type before defining the next fitting point.

Fitting point


You use the fitting point to determine the position of a beam in the drawing. The default setting is the centroid of the beam cross-section. More predefined fitting points are available in the list box.


 1 Top left, 2 Top axis, 3 Top right

4 Left axis, 5 Centroid, 6 Right axis

7 Bottom left, 8 Bottom axis, 9 Bottom right

The fitting point selected is valid for this beam type until you have exited the standard part window.

Offset (insertion depth)

You can move a beam in z-direction by specifying an insertion depth. Insertion is therefore performed parallel to the xy-plane. If you enter a positive value, the beam will lie in front of/above the xy-plane; if you enter a negative value, it will lie behind/under the xy-plane.

If the Insert beam in space option is active, the field for the insertion depth will be blocked .

Insert in active processing plane

Insert along composite edge. The edges of the composite edge are assigned beams of the selected type.

Insert in 3-D space

Insert perpendicular to the current processing plane in z-direction

Rotates the beam about the beam axis at the specified angle

The beam is aligned - in relation to a point in web direction to be specified.

Inverts the ends of the beam, i.e. the beam is mirrored.

Please note:

Insert Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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