Insertion Options - Insert Along C-Edge (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > New > Insert new standard beam

You insert beams along a 3-D composite edge here. The edges of the composite edge are assigned beams of the selected type. The individual beams are mitre-cut or curved, depending on the composite edge. The composite edge must exist in the drawing.

  1. Identify the guideline (the 3-D composite edge) at the beginning or the end. Note that, in the case of asymmetrical beams like L-beams, the side that you select has an impact on the insertion direction of the beam.
  2. HiCAD displays a preview of the beam cross-section. During the display, you can use the options of the Insertion options menu bar to modify the beam. The following options are available:
  1. If you want the beam to be placed as displayed in the cross-section, left-click to start the process.

Placement of an L-beam along a composite edge
(1) Identification at the start point, (2) Identification at the end point

Fitting point changed and beam rotated by 45°



You have then the option to select a different guideline (No) or to cancel identification Yes).

Insertion Options for Beams and Profiles (3-D SE)Insert Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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