Insert Beams (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > New

Various options are available for the insertion of beams:

You can insert beams either as main parts or sub-parts.

Beam insertion functions, for main parts

Insert new standard beam

Inserts 3-D standard beams according to DIN.

Prototype beams

Inserts prototype beams (beams with predefined geometry and variable sizes).

Beam from sketch

Derives beams from a sketch.

New beam, apply cross-section

Applies the cross-section of an existing beams.

Insert series, via catalogue

Inserts user-defined beams via selection from factory standard catalogues.

Insert series, via Explorer

Inserts user-defined beams by selection via Explorer.

Insert series, via DB document master

Inserts user-defined beams via document master data.

Insert series, via DB article master

Inserts user-defined beams via article attributes.

Click to open a pull-down menu with further functions for the insertion of beams and options for sub-parts.

Multi-part standard beams

Inserts multi-part standard beams, such as double L-beams, welded beams or box beams. 

Elongated plates

Inserts elongated plates.

Bar elements

Inserts bar elements, e.g. for rough drafts and concepts.


Indication of beam orientation

When you insert a Steel Engineering beam, the orientation of the beam, i.e. the

will be indicated in the form of a coordinate system at its start. The indication appears as soon as the beam becomes visible, and its position still need to be specified.

Please note that the size of the orientation symbol will not change when you zoom in or out.

(1) During activation, (2) During insertion


The indication of orientation can be set in the Configuration Editor , at ... > System settings > Visualisation > Indicate orientation of active Steel Engineering beam. The following options are available:

The colours of the orientation symbol can be changed via the Colour Editor (Drawing > Others > Colour Editor).


Please note:

Insertion Options for Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering FunctionsGeneral Information (3-D SE)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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