Settings/Management (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Settings > ....

You use the functions of the Management menu to define steel engineering-specific default settings, settings for the Steel Engineering grid, dimensioning settings and settings for the updating of axes, e.g. after trimming of beams.


Steel engineering-specific default settings like representation of beams, notch type, views of the workshop drawing etc.

2-D and 3-D settings for metal engineering, particularly for fitting LogiKal® beams and profiles.


Method of glass fitting for open beam frames

Assignment of annotation texts


Selection of the attributes to be taken into account during the identical part search

  Grid annotation Individual annotations for the axes of grids

Configuring 3-D grids

Automatic dimensioning of steel engineering objects

Insertion of symbols for system triangles

  Beam/profile axes Updating beam axes, sectional lines etc.
Series cross-sections

Assignment of attributes to a 2-D series cross-section

Saving 2-D series cross-sections in the SERIES catalogue

Multi-part standard beams

Enables you to define multi-part standard beams and save them to theMulti-Part Standard Beams catalogue.

Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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