Settings: Glass Insertion (3-D SE)

Handling of end points for glass insertion

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Settings > Glass insertion > End points

You use this function to define the procedure for the insertion of glasses into non-closed beam frames.

The open frame must, however, permit a unique, meaningful contour generation. Two beams which are located in one plane, but do not need to intersect are therefore permitted. However, a beam group in the form of an "H" or "T" is not permitted. In such cases, you need to use the Glass from sketch function.

Default glass

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Settings > Glass insertion > Default glass

Use this function to define the default settings for Glass insertion. In addition, you can define new glass panes, i.e. your own combinations of glass cross sections, and save them to the Factory Standards > Glass Panes > Glass Panes ISD catalogue.

Proceed as follows to use an already existing glass pane from the Factory Standards > Glass Panes > Glass Panes ISD catalogue as default setting:

  1. Click the ... button next to the Designation field and select the required glass pane from the Glass Panes ISD, catalogue, e.g. VSG 6-2.
  2. Exit the window with OK.

The next time you select the Insert glass function for glass insertion, this setting will be used as default setting.

Proceed as follows to define your own glass panes and use them as default setting:

  1. Select the number of panes by activating the appropriate checkboxes. A maximum of three panes - external pane, middle pane and internal pane - is possible.
  2. Select the glass type from the relevant list box, e.g. ESG 4.
  3. Specify the spaces (A1/B1 and A2/B2).
  4. Enter the name for the new glass pane.
  5. Click Save in order to save the glass pane to the catalogue for glass panes.
  6. Click OK to take over the current setting as default setting for glass insertion.

Settings/Management (3-D SE)Glass Insertion (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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