Notes on Settings in System Files and Configuration Editor

Up to Version 2016 SP1, various Steel Engineering settings could be specified via the system file STB_PARAMETER.DAT. As of HiCAD 2016 SP2, this file is no longer available. Its setting options have been moved to the Configuration Editor at Steel Engineering.

The respective settings options can be found via Steel Engineering.


When creating new assemblies, forming assemblies from existing parts and automatically creating assemblies (e.g. for steel engineering), the prefix Assembly will be suggested as the default value for the article number. This setting can now be changed in the Configuration Editor at Steel Engineering > Assembly.

With this function the displacement of notch marks can be determined as well as the attribute assignment for main parts as item number.



Here, you determine whether the assemblies to be created by the railing configurator are BOM-relevant or not.The BOM-relevance of the assemblies to be created by the Railing Configurator can be set in the Configuration Editor separately for railing assemblies, segment assemblies, and component assemblies.

See Staircase Configurator> Important Notes

Weight calculation

Here, you can specify the precision of the weight calculation for beams and plates in steel engineering construction


If you do not want to use the assembly-based structure that was introduced with HiCAD 2007, you can change this in the settings of the Configuration Editor: Select Modelling > Change of part structure > Main parts and sub-parts automatically in assemblies: No.

This setting is, however, not recommended, as the new functionality provides significant advantages, especially for drawings containing elements from various industries.

Assemblies, Parts and Attributes (3-D SE)Design Engineering Across Industries (3-D SE)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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