Part Data Tools (PE)

Plant Engineering > Part Data Tools

The Part Data Tools function group provides functions for the processing, deriving and synchronisation of variants.

Variant Editor

This function calls the Variant Editor (program anvaredit.exe). The Variant Editor is a standalone program, i.e. independent of HiCAD.

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with further functions:

Part Data Tools

Derive new variant

This function enables you to create a new variant from an existing variant, process it and pass it to the database or the HiCAD catalogue.

Assign accessory

Use this function to start the Accessory Manager - a tool enabling you to conveniently assign so-called accessory parts to plant engineering parts. This function is only active if you have selected the HiCAD Catalogue as part data source.

Clear buffer memory

If the HiCAD Catalogue has been selected as part data source, catalogue data and search criteria are saved to a buffer memory in order to speed up part search when fitting parts. Use this function to empty the buffer memory.

Copy material data

Use this function to assign material data to a part that was inserted in the layout plan. However, this is only possible for parts whose data records in the part data source (HELiOS database or HiCAD catalogue) do not contain any material data.

Pipe class

Create pipe class

The creation of a pipe class means that a new pipe class is entered into the database.

Expand pipe class

This function enables you to assign parts to a pipe class that already exists in the database.

Pipe Class Editor

If you have selected the HiCAD catalogue as part data source, you can use this tool for the creation and processing of pipe classes.

Check feature variant

If you use your own feature variants for Plant Engineering parts you can check whether they fulfil the mandatory requirements for Plant Engineering parts.

Check variant, Geometry

Checks the geometry in the drawing before the saving as feature variant.

Check variant, VAD file

Checks the VAD file before Variant AutoSync.

Check variant, Attributes

Checks the database entry after Variant AutoSync.

Check part

If you use your own Plant Engineering parts, you can check whether the newly constructed parts fulfil the mandatory requirements for Plant Engineering parts.

Check part, Geometry

Checks the geometry in the drawing before saving.

Check part, Attributes

Checks the database entry after saving.

Part import

Import PartSolutions part

Use this function to import parts from a CADENAS PARTsolutions catalogue to a HiCAD Plant Engineering drawing.

PartSolutions Database attributes

Use this function to specify which database part attributes for the different part types in HiCAD Plant Engineering will be offered for configuration during CADENAS part import.

PAA Editor


Part data synchronisation

Use this function to transfer variants to the HELiOS Database or the HiCAD Catalogue which have previously not been managed there. Furthermore, you can use the function to synchronise variants managed in the database or the HiCAD Catalogue, i.e. the status in the database/catalogue will be adjusted to the current status.

You cannot use the functions for the automatic import of entire catalogues. You can only import parts from catalogues which are intended for the utilisation in Plant Engineering CAD programs. Only the parts from such catalogues contain the required Plant Engineering-specific connection and attribute data.

Plant Engineering Functions 

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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