Part Data Synchronisation (PE)

Plant Engineering > Part Data Tools > Part data synchronisation

This function is influenced by the source that was chosen in the Parts from... field of the Part selection tab in the Plant Engineering Settings.

The tool described herein is only needed if the HELiOS Database is used as the part data source. If this is the case, you can use this function to transfer the part data required for HiCAD Plant Engineering to the HELiOS Database. Furthermore, you can use this function to perform a data synchronisation between the part files and the corresponding database entries, namely for

If the HiCAD Catalogue has been selected as part source, you can use this function to transfer the part data from part data archive files (VAA or PAA) to the HiCAD Catalogue.

This function replaces the Variant AutoSync function that was available in the versions before HiCAD 1700.

Part Data Tools (PE)Plant Engineering FunctionsHELiOS

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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