Elongated Plates (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > New > Standard > Elongated plates

Use this function to insert elongated plates.

Elongated plates combine the properties of beams and plates. They can therefore be processed by Steel Engineering functions for beams and/or for plates.

When you call the function, the Elongated plate dialogue window is displayed.

  1. Specify the thickness of the plate.
  2. Select the type of the plate, i.e. its material.
  3. Specify the width of the plate.
  4. Close the dialogue window with OK.

HiCAD prompts you to specify the start point while displaying the Insertion options (as HiCAD would do for the fitting of beams and profiles). What dialogue is displayed after specification of the start point depends on the selected insertion options.

Elongated plate, (1) Thickness, (2) Width


Please note:

Insert Beams (3-D SE)Insertion Options for Beams and Profiles (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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