Feature Technology: Context Menu

The Feature Technology context menu provides functions for configuring the feature technology as well as switching it on/off. To open this context menu, right-click in an empty area of the pane, i.e. not on a feature log entry.

If you switch the Design variant base body entry from NO to YES, the Design Variant functions will be added to the context menu:


Calculate to end

Calculate next feature


Insert feature


Enter body creation feature

Switch feature Off


Create feature variant

Design variant base body: YES

Create design variant

Design variant in initial situation

Recalculate design variant

Edit start script (CSharp)


Parameter variables of variant

Local variant variables


Feature configuration

Processing external reference ...

If you right-click a feature log entry, the context menu looks slightly different and contains additional functions, such as Formula for the processed part, or Formula for processed assembly.


Switch Feature Technology On/Off

If you create a new drawing, the feature technology is automatically active. However, you can deactivate/reactivate logging for the active part at any time. To do this, use one of the following two functions.



You use the Switch feature Off function to deactivate the feature technology for the active part.

This means:

  • Further processing on the part is no longer recorded in the feature log.
  • The log belonging to the active part is deleted.

Caution: Please note that you can no longer undo this procedure!!

You use the Enter body creation feature function to switch on feature technology if you want to reactivate it for

  • a loaded part, or
  • a part drawn without feature log
  • and hence log the subsequent processing steps for the part.

Once the function has been activated, a feature log with the entry Generate Body is created.

 How the Feature Model Works

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Feature Technology
Date: 14/09/2018

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