Manage Projects (ManBIM)

Management + BIM > Project

Projects have the highest priority in the HELiOS database structure. They allow a clearly structured sorting and arrangement of drawings (documents and parts). You can, for example, collect all drawings from one year within a project. It is also possible to sort according to departments, workpiece types etc. Each project can in turn contain sub-projects. A document or a part can, in principle, be assigned to several projects. The graphics files, however, exist only once.

In the Projects menu you can find functions for the creation, activating and editing of projects. If you click the icon, the main function, New project, will be called. If you click the arrow below the icon, a pull-down menu with further functions will be displayed.

The following functions are available:



When using the Management+BIM module for the management of your CAD data, please always use only the PDM functions on the Management+BIM Ribbon tab! For a changing of the Workflow status of documents and articles managed with BIM, too, only the functions of the Management+BIM Ribbon tab may be used! The HELiOS functions should only be used for a viewing of the corresponding documents and articles, but not for their editing (e.g. item numbers, article masters, Workflow status etc.)!

In contrast, external data, such as Word documents, E-mails, documents by architects etc. can be managed freely.

Overview of Functions (ManBIM)Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Examples (ManBIM) 

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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