Settings for Referencing (3-D)

You define the settings for referencing in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Referencing.

Available modes are:

  • On, with save (default)
    Drawings with referenced parts can be automatically updated, both upon loading and saving.
  • On, without Save
    Drawings with referenced parts can be automatically updated upon loading. Upon saving no check will take place.
  • OFF
    No automatic updating of drawings with referenced parts will take place, neither upon loading nor saving.

Automatic name selection for referenced parts without database entry

If parts are to be saved as referenced parts without database entry, the assigning of the name for the referenced part can either take place automatically by HiCAD, or manually. The default setting is , i.e. the name must be entered manually. For this to happen, the Save file dialogue window will be displayed.

To use the automatic assigning of names, activate the checkbox. HiCAD will then automatically assign a name, and display the Part attributes window.




Automatically update referenced parts after each change

If this is the case, you can save immediately. If several "siblings" of an identical part have been modified in a different way, the change of the other, already modified siblings will then be lost. For instance, if one identical part had obtained a chamfer, and another identical part of the samne referenced part had obtained a fillet, one of these modifications will be lost.

If this is not the case, i.e. if the part has not been modified or finished, HiCAD will search among its siblings for a recently modified or finished part. As soon as the first part has been found, it will be saved, irrespective of whether there are any other modified siblings.


In the image below, the referenced cylinder has been inserted three times.

Then, a bore has been applied to the 2nd cylinder, and the base surface of the 3rd cylinder has been chafered. The 1st cylinder has not been modified.

If you now apply the Save ref. part function to the 2nd cylinder, a direct saving takes place. Upon the next updating of the drawing, the chamfer will get lost.

If you apply the function to the 3rd cylinder instead, a direct saving will also take place. Upon updating of the drawing, the bore will get lost.

And if you apply the function to the 1st cylinder, HiCAD will notice that it has not been modified, uns searches for modified identical parts. In this example, the 2nd cylinder will be found.

  • When you save referenced part, sub-parts containing old identical parts will not be updated, as the updating of these parts will take place upon a later loading anyway.

Update identical parts of referenced parts before saving


Synchronization of attributes

If referenced parts have part attributes which are not to be updated on a regular basis, the synchronization can also take place in a specific, targeted way. Find detailed information here.

Locking against processing

Lock referenced parts for other users during processing

Lock non-updated, referenced parts against processing

If a variant in the drawing is linked to the database, and the database contains a newer revision index of the variant, this parameter determines whether the variant will be updated in the drawing.

Lock parts against processing if HELiOS article master is locked

Lock parts for other users, via HELiOS article master

If an article master has been assigned to a part in HiCAD, and this article master has been locked in the database, (e.g. due to its release or due to missing change permission) this parameter determines whether the part is also locked against processing in HiCAD.

Update article master index

If a article master has been assigned to a part in HiCAD, and the database contains a newer revision index of the article master, HiCAD will ask you whether the index should be updated when you load the drawing (default setting).

If a referenced part also has a newer document master, the updating will be automatically performed for the article master, i.e. affected are primarily parts without document master.


Please note:

Recommendations for Referencing (3-D)Folder for Externally Referenced Parts (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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