Referencing: Targeted Synchronization of Attributes (3-D)

If referenced parts have part attributes which are not to be updated on a regular basis, the synchronization can also take place in a specific, targeted way. This behaviour can be determined in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Referencing > Synchronization of attributes.

Click the symbol to activate a table in which you can specify for each part attribute

ISD default settings


For this to happen, a row that is composed as follows must exist for the corresponding part attribute:


  • Integer
  • Double
  • String or
  • String (ANSI)
  • Never
    The specified part attribute will never be updated.
  • From configuration
    The setting from the Configuration Editor at System settings > Referencing > Synchronize item numbers / part attributes when updating file will be applied.
  • Sub-parts only
    The part attribute will be updated only for sub-parts.
  • Main parts and sub-parts
    The part attribute will be updated for main parts and sub-parts.

Part attributes that are not listed in the table will be updated for main parts and sub-parts.


To insert further attribute rows, scroll to the end of the table. There, click on the empty row and specify the required settings. Proceed likewise for further rows. Click OK to close the Attribute synchronization options dialogue window.

The sorting of the table can be changed by clicking on a column header.

With a right mouse click on a table entry you activate the context menu, in which you are enabled to delete the active table row as well as activate or deactivate all check boxes of the column active.


Please note:

Up to HiCAD 2017 the settings for attribute synchronization were defined in the system file REF3D_ATTR_AKT.DAT. If you want to take over settings from an existing REF3D_ATTR_AKT.DAT file, this can be done via the Open file button. After selecting the file, the settings shown in the Attribute synchronization options dialogue window will be overwritten with those of the selected file after closing the dialogue window with OK.

Changeability of HiCAD part attributes for reference parts that have been write-protected via HELiOS

The changeability of HiCAD part attributes for reference parts that have been write-protected via HELiOS is influenced by the settings in the Configuration Editor (at System settings > Referencing) and in the file ref3d_attr_akt.dat (in the in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Referencing):

The table below shows, by way of the Attribute %02 (Item number), the possible settings in the Configuration Editor, and their effects on changeability of the HiCAD part attributes of assemblies and parts.

Setting for
"Synchronize item numbers / part attributes..."

Setting for "Synchronization of attributes"

Item number changeable


Item number changeable



Recommendations for Referencing (3-D)Settings for Referencing (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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