HELiOS Options

Helios > Options

The Options function of the HELiOS menu in Inventor opens a dialogue window which consists of three areas:

Settings for the Workspace

Under Local directory of documents you can see the path of the local session directory.

You can change the directory by clicking on and then selecting the desired path.

If the option Automatically end editing of documents without local changes after closing the application is deactivated, documents that are still being edited under the logging-off user when the HELiOS Desktop is closed will still be edited and can only be edited by the logging-off user.

The active checkbox Remove documents that are currently not being edited from Workspace after closing the application empties the session of all documents that are not being edited. Otherwise, the data is retained.

With the option Remove locally changed files below, you can also determine whether locally changed documents should be removed from the workspace when closing Inventor or not.

Attribute assignment

In this area you find settings for:

Settings for the Document

  • Attribute changes that have been made on the HELiOS side in the meantime only take effect when the component has been completely reloaded.
  • If the corresponding part has already been loaded in another document, but the characteristic is different (parts have been suppressed, a different display configuration is used, a different strategy for index updating has been selected, etc.), no attribute update is carried out nevertheless.

Updating the attributes of large assemblies can cost a lot of processing time when opening them, even if there are only a few changed attributes. Therefore, you have the possibility to control the automatic behaviour under Updating of attributes:

With the activated checkbox For the opened document and all sub-structures (default setting), all attributes are always checked and, if necessary, updated for all sub-structures of the document when assemblies are opened.

Activate the checkbox Only for the opened documentif you only want to update the attributes of the opened document, but not those of all sub-structures, in order to save loading time.

If the checkbox Do not carry out is active, no automatic update of the attributes will take place during loading.

You can update the attributes of the active HELiOS document manually with Update properties or for the loaded document and all sub-structures Update properties (all) .

When loading documents via Open, with options, you also have the option in the dialogue window to control the updating of the attributes in this way.

Options other than the default setting should be used primarily for loading read-only documents, as potential collisions or losses cannot be completely ruled out in the case of changed data and intermediate saves without updating.

  • Never
  • Always
  • Not in released context
  • Update to newest index
  • Update to newest released index


Please note:

On the system side, settings are stored in HELiOS's "Data Depot". This is an SQLite database in the path %Appdata%\ISD Software und Systeme\HELiOS (Versionsnummer)\DataDepot.db.

Administrators can distribute the data to different workstations, for example, in order to work with the same settings on each local system.