HELiOS Options: HELiOS Desktop

HELiOS Options > HELiOS Desktop

Application-specific settings specifically for the HELiOS Desktop can be made in the HELiOS Options on the HELiOS Desktop tab.

If you open the HELiOS Options within the HELiOS Desktop (instead of in other applications linked to HELiOS), this menu window will be displayed as the start default.

Settings for the Workspace

Attribute assignments

At Attribute assignments > Transfer to HELiOS > Attribute import... you can use the attribute mapping to make configurations that take effect when importing documents via drag & drop and serial document input.

With a click on the corresponding button the extended dialogue window of the Attribute assignment for transfer to HELiOS opens:

In the Standard configuration, you will see a mapping already set up for the file name and the file extension.

You can change or extend this as you wish.

Product Explorer

If a check mark is placed below Product Explorer next to Automatically show last used top articles after HELiOS start, the Product Explorer will be reloaded with the headers that were last displayed when the HELiOS Desktop was closed after a restart. Otherwise, the product explorer is empty when HELiOS is started.
