Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

Update Development

Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Develop sheet

The processing functions for 3-D sheet developments can be activated with a right-click on the development.


Use this function to create sketches as sub-parts of the sheet development. After placing a processing plane, draw a sketch, for example, for a subtraction. The ICN now displays the development with the sub-part called Sketch. This allows you to activate the sketches you have created in advance when you process the development, for example, with the 3-D function Subtract, with translation . The processing plane is visible if it is switched on via Show/Hide elements for the view. If the sketch is generated from the dialogue window of the processing function, it is also located in the ICN under the development. If the development is active, the Sheet Metal part will be greyed out. Activate the development or the sketch in the drawing or by selecting the view.

(1) Sketch for subtraction
(2) Sketch for addition
(3) Subtraction
(4) Addition

Overview of Functions (3-D SM)General Notes on Sheet Metal Processing (3-D SM) Sheet Development (3-D SM)Process Development (3-D SM)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 24/02/2021     Language: 1033

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