Project: HiCAD 2-D

Contour Hatching Exclusion

Exclude hatching

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Pattern contour, Exclude

The menu functions enable you to create exclusions from the hatching in three ways:

Text and dimensioning exclusions can be enlarged. Before identifying the text or the dimensioning, you can specify the enlargement factor of the rectangle about the text or dimensioning exclusion.

The reference point of the exclusion which is the same as the text reference point or the midpoint of the dimension line of the dimensioning unit is crucial for correction.

Set exclusion contour

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude > Set exclusion contour

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Pattern contour, Exclude > Set exclusion contour

This function enables you to exclude any contour from the hatching. The contour must be an element of the active part.

  1. Select the contour, and activate the right mouse button.

You can now choose more elements.

  1. Activate the right mouse button once again to display the exclusion.

Exclude text

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude > Exclude text

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Pattern contour, Exclude > Exclude text

To exclude texts, they must be an element of the active hatched part.

  1. Identify the text, and activate the right mouse button.

You can now choose more elements.

  1. Activate the right mouse button once again to display the exclusion.

Exclude dimensioning

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude > Exclude dimensioning

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Pattern contour, Exclude > Exclude dimensioning

The dimension figure range can be excluded from the hatching. The dimensioning must be an element of the active hatched part.

  1. Identify the dimension figure, and activate the right mouse button.

You can now choose more elements.

  1. Activate the right mouse button once again to display the exclusion.

Dimension lines are not excluded from the hatching.

Enlarge text/dimensioning exclusion

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude > Enlarge text/dimensioning exclusion 

2-D Part > Hatching > Define > Define > Hatch contour, Exclude > Enlarge text/dimensioning exclusion

You use this function to change the size of the exclusion ranges of texts and dimensionings in hatchings.

  1. Specify the enlargement factor.
  2. Identify the exclusions.
  3. Activate the right mouse button to display the exclusion.

The exclusion is enlarged or reduced, in accordance with the factor.

Define Contour Hatching (2-D)Contour Hatching Parameters (2-D)Change Patterning Parameters (2-D)Hatching (2-D)Part Hatching (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 11/10/2020     Language: 1033

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