Import Record (VarEdit)

  1. First, specify the variables group that should be influenced by the import, in the field Value for,. for example field Flange 1/2.
  2. Click Import. If all lines in the table dialogue box are locked, this button is deactivated. (This is the case if values from another part are taken over or the selected part is switched off).
  3. Select the file containing the data you want to import. You also have the option of importing other variants, i.e. from a VAD file or a text file (TXT file). The text file must be structured in the way described for Data export, although the Type designation (heading “--“) need not necessarily exist. The description of settings also applies for the Data export.
  4. The following dialogue box Import appears on your screen. This dialogue box contains a Preview box (1) and aTable Dialogue box (2). Number (3) shows the functions for the selection of the records to be imported.

  1. The name, designation and file type of the selected source file as well as the number of records appears in the Preview box. An image appears if the corresponding drawing exists. TheTable Dialogue Box contains target file data, i.e. of the currently processed variant. This table determines the assignment of variables from the source file to target file variables. Here you can specify the variables assignment criteria.
  2. Determine the records to be imported with the command Find or List.


You can display the result of a data import in a Result list.
Newly created records are assigned a type designation that is automatically created from XXX plus consecutive numbers. Elements of records for which values from the source file that were not taken over are indicated in the list by XXX and tagged as empty. These elements are indicated by an empty field in the Value Value column of dialogue box.

Export Variants Preview Box

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Variant Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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