Example 5 - Assembly Drawings and Workshop Drawings (ManBIM)
In contrast to the previous examples, assembly drawings and workshop drawings (instead of detail drawings) are to be created here.
Let's take a look at the following construction:
With the help of this example, the functions
Expand, Selection via HELiOS und
Revision index of a production drawing
will be explained in this chapter.
Step1: Create project / model drawing
- Create a project, e.g. EXAMPLE 5, with the function Management+BIM > Project > New
- Then, create a new model drawing file with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > New
- Insert the two beams, e.g. IPE 400 and connect them using the front pate connection 1211. Add a rectangular plate at the end of the shorter beam.
- Itemise the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Parts > Item... (we use the ISD default settings for Steel Engineering here)
- Save the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Save .
Step 2: Create the assembly and Workshop drawings
Now, the assembly drawings and one workshop drawing for each beam and plate are to be created.
Since we want to create workshop drawings (instead of detail drawings) which contain only beams or plates, respectively, we use this function instead of automatic drawing derivation.
- HiCAD shows all parts and assemblies for which no drawings exist yet.
- Mark all entries in the list, click OK and confirm the displayed security prompt with Yes.
- Specify the settings for assembly drawings as shown below and click OK.
- HiCAD creates the assembly drawings and displays the parts for which no drawings exist yet.
- Again, mark all parts, click OK and confirm the displayed security prompt with Yes.
- Specify the settings for workshop drawing creation as shown below and click OK.
- Now, only the plates remain without drawing.
- Mark all plates, click OK and confirm the displayed security prompt with Yes.
- Specify the settings for workshop drawing creation for the plates as shown below and click OK.
- Now, all required drawings exist and are up to date.
- Then, release all drawings. To do this, choose Management+BIM > Workshop > Release . Mark all entries and click OK.
Now, add another beam to the model drawing, - e.g. for a later connection. This new beam is to appear only in the workshop drawing for beams. In this case it will suffice to create a new revision index for the workshop drawing for beams with the Revision index of a production drawings function. You can then add the new beam to the workshop drawing with the new index and re-release the drawing.
Step 3: Add another beam to the model drawing
- Insert a new beam as shown below.
- Itemise the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Parts > Item... (we use the ISD default settings for Steel Engineering here)
- Save the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Save .
Step 4: Expand workshop drawing for beams
The new beam is to appear only in the workshop drawing for beams. In this case it will suffice to create a new revision index with the Revision index of a production drawings function:
- Choose Management+BIM > Workshop > Change > Revision index of a workshop drawing . In the selection window, choose the workshop drawing for the beams and click OK.
- If desired, you can enter an explanatory text for the revision index in the title block. Confirm with OK. The index of the workshop drawing will be set to a.
- Now, add the new beam in the workshop drawing. To do this, use the Expand, Selection via HELiOS function.
- In the selection window, mark the new beam and click OK.
- Mark the workshop drawing for the beams and click OK.
- Now, the workshop drawing for the beams is up to date. Re-release the drawing by choosing Management+BIM > Workshop > Release , marking the workshop drawing and clicking OK.
Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM) • Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM) • Overview of Functions (ManBIM)
© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM) Date: 14/09/2018
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