Customer Drawings (ManBIM) 

Management + BIM > Drawings > Customer drawing

Besides the creation of mounting, workshop and production drawings you can use the Customer drawing function to create various customer drawings without itemisation for approval, e.g. builders' or architects' plans. The procedure is largely similar to that for the creation of mounting drawings.


In contrast to the mounting drawing, however, you have the option to choose a Drawing type here. You can specify the drawing types that are to be offered for selection via the Plan types parameter. The ISD default setting is the drawing type "Kundenzeichnung" (=Customer drawing).


Customer drawings for Steel Engineering constructions have the following qualities:


Please note:

In contrast to mounting drawings and production drawings, customer drawings can be created and updated even without a previous itemisation of the model drawing. Therefore, you can answer this security prompt...

... that will be shown upon updating of customer drawings, with No.


The Workflow for customer drawings

Customer drawings created with the Management + BIM module have their own Workflows, i.e. separate functions for a setting to the Checkup and Released status are available. Click to open the pull-down menu with these functions.


After clicking OK, a list of the old parts will be displayed.

The above message will also be displayed if you call the Drawing function while there are locked customer drawings with old parts.

To be able to update these customer drawings, you first need to call the Revision index function and choose the corresponding customer drawing to remove the Release again. Then, choose the Drawing function to update the customer drawing. The status of the drawing will then be reset to In progress. With the functions in the Customer... pull-down menu you can then request an approval and release the drawing again.


Customer drawings can also be revised, i.e. the parameters that have been set during the creation of the drawing can be changed if desired. Fir instance, you can add further views, remove views, change the distance between views etc. The modification of parts of the drawing, or the adding of new parts, however, is not possible.

To revise a customer drawing, load the drawing (e.g. via the Linked documents function) and call the Customer drawing function. You can then make the desired changes and save the drawing.

Overview of Functions (ManBIM)Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Examples (ManBIM)  • Mounting Drawings

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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