Itemisation (ManBIM)

Management + BIM > Parts > Item.

The itemisation of parts, i.e. the assigning of item numbers to them, is a prerequisite for the creation of derived drawings and Bills of Materials. The itemisation functions on the Management + BIM tab are largely identical to the same-named functions on the Drawing tab, they do however offer some additional features and advantages:

If you click the icon, the main function, Itemisation, will be activated. If you click the arrow below the icon, a pull-down menu with further functions will be displayed.

The following functions are available:

Automatic identical part search and itemisation, with current parameters

Automatically assigns item numbers to all parts. The current parameter settings for itemisation will be used.

Automatic identical part search and itemisation, change parameters

Queries the parameter settings and then assigns the item numbers.

Automatic identical part search and itemisation of individual parts, with current parameters

Assigns item numbers to individual parts.

  1. Identify the part.
  2. Specify the item number.
  3. If you want to check whether the item number already exists, activate the Check conflicts with existing item numbers checkbox.
  4. If you want to itemise identical parts of the active part as well, activate the Also itemise all identical parts checkbox.

If the active part already has an item number, it will be shown to you for modification. It will also be shown whether there are identical parts with this number.

Change itemisation parameters

Changes the default settings for itemisation. The new settings will then be regarded as default settings during the current HiCAD session.

Select parts with same item number

Finds and selects all parts that have the same item number as the identified part.

Select part with specified item number

Finds and selects all parts with a specified item number.

Delete item numbers, Part

Deletes the item number of individual parts. Item numbers of the sub-parts of identified part are retained.

Delete item numbers, Part + Sub-parts

Deletes the item numbers of individual parts. The item numbers of the sub-parts of an identified part are also deleted.

Delete item numbers, All

Deletes all item numbers of all steel engineering parts.

If you want to perform the itemisation using one of the above-described functions, please make sure that the option Re-itemise new + changed parts has been set. This is the default setting.


Please note:

The parameter Itemisation of locked parts that had been set in the Configuration Editor at PDM > Steel Engineering Drawing Management will be taken into account during itemisation. This parameter determines how parts with the HELiOS status Released, which are locked against processing, are to be handled. Possible settings are:

Released parts will be considered for itemisation as well.

Released parts will not be itemised.

Only manually... (Default)
Only parts with manually assigned article masters will be considered.

Only auto...
Only parts with automatically assigned article master will be considered.

If, for example, you selected No, all released parts will be excluded from itemisation, and the following message will be displayed:


Treatment of sub-parts/bores/connections in backside of main-profile:
Linetype(0-10) of designation tags of sub-part (0=default linetype, 1=continous line)
Linetype(0-10) of designation tags of bores (0=default linietype, 1=continous line)
Linetype(0-10) of designation tags of connections (0=default linetype, 1=continous line)

Overview of Functions (ManBIM)Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Examples (ManBIM)  • Itemisation

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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