Management + BIM

The Steel Engineering Management + BIM module with its Building Information Modelling (short: BIM) functions is a comprehensive solution for a CAD-independent data and process management for projects, documents, parts, product structures and folders, with user-friendly input, search and output options, and a flexible, PDM-oriented management of users and groups. Configurable classification structures, workflows and indexing mechanisms enable a company-specific control of processes.

Management + BIM works in a project-oriented manner, helping CAD engineers to maintain an overview even during highly complex projects. Recurrent tasks can be performed at ease and at the push of a button. Examples of this include:


Please note:
The Management + BIM module for document and drawing management in civil engineering is not to be confused with the "normal" HiCAD - HELiOS interface. If the Management + BIM module is active, the HELiOS actions will be linked to the HiCAD Save function. Even after saving the model drawing in HiCAD, the HELiOS functionality in the Management + BIM module will be activated. This means that you can construct your models as usual, without have to care about any database settings. These will be taken care of as soon as you save your drawing: The article master will then be assigned / updated, the product structures will be generated / updated, and much more.

To ensure that the management of your model drawings will run smoothly when using the Management + BIM module, the working environment must be set up correctly, and certain rules must be observed. Therefore, it is very important that you read the information given in the Requirements for a Smooth Operation topic.



All functions for Steel Engineering Drawing Management functions can be found on the Management + BIM tab:


The benefits of the HiCAD Steel Engineering module or a HCAD Steel Engineering suite in conjunction with HELiOS Engineer:

  • Safe, database-supported management of drawings and parts for a project-oriented 3-D engineering
  • Company-wide, CAD-independent access to current data of 3-D drawings (identical parts, item numbers, geometry data...)
  • BOM-output and parts where-used lists even outside the CAD environment
  • Automatic updating of part and drawing attributes when saving the 3-D design and creating/updating production drawings
  • Intelligent check for parts without production drawing and for old production, mounting and customer drawings, with additional functions for creation of new and updating of existing linked drawings
  • Constantly updated product structures
  • Direct access to rights/workflow statuses, linked production, mounting and customer drawings and parts where-used lists
  • Flexibly configurable and extendable, hence enabling an optimal integration into existing IT environments

Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Overview of Functions (ManBIM)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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