BIM-specific Drawing Frames (ManBIM)

Supplied with HiCAD are special drawing frames for Steel Engineering Drawing Management. They use, for example, the attribute _SZNATTRSTA in their title blocks, which marks all non-released drawings with an "In progress" or "Checkup" note in the title block.

During parameter configuration according to Management+BIM, the HiCAD drawing frames will be replaced with these drawing frames (from the folder templates\Module_3DSteel\BIM\SZENEN).

If you use your own drawing frames, but also want to use this note, you need to integrate the _SZNATTRSTA attribute into your title blocks.

The exact entry reads: @*@44,S._SZNATTRSTA@*@ .

The procedure for the editing of title blocks is explained in the Online Help chapter HiCAD Basics > Drawing Objects > Drawing Frame and Title Block.

Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Important information (ManBIM)Overview of Functions (ManBIM)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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