Settings for External Production Data (ManBIM)

For the parts of the production drawings of the current model drawing, different file formats can be automatically created, managed in HELiOS and linked accordingly.

This is possible for the following formats:

Different file formats can also be created for complete production drawings. Possible formats are PDF, DWG and DXF.

To ensure that these formats can be created you need to specify the settings in the Configuration Editor at PDM > Management + BIM > External production drawings accordingly.


External part data

Here you specify which CAM data are to be created for the parts and under which circumstances the CAM data creation is to take place.

Create CAM data

This setting determines whether the CAM data are to be created automatically or not.

The following options are possible:

  • Manual
    The creation of the CAM data must be carried out manually. For this to happen, use the Production function in the same-named function group. This is the default setting.
  • Automatically upon Release and Checkup
    The CAM data are created automatically upon Checkup and Release.
  • Automatically upon Release
    The CAM data are created automatically upon Release.

Only those CAM data will be created that you explicitly selected in the settings. For instance, if all settings for the Create ... data parameters have been set to No, no CAM data will be created. This applies both to the automatic and to the manual creation, i.e. even the Production function will then generate no CAM data.

CAM data for unprocessed sheets

One distinguishes between sheets with identical cross-sections (unprocessed sheets) and processed sheets.

  • As "cross-sectionally identical" (unprocessed) are considered all sheets with at least one bend zone, parallel front edges of the flanges (width of flange) and without any further processings such as bores, subtractions etc.
  • All other sheets are considered non-identical and processed.

The CAM data for unprocessed sheets parameter allows you to determine whether the "unprocessed" sheets are to be considered for the creation of the CAM data or not.

  • Only for beams or
  • For beams and plates.

The default setting is No, i.e. d.h. no DSTV-NC files fill be created.

Create DXF data

Here you specify whether the DXF data are to be auto-generated as well.

This is possible for

  • All sheets and plates,
  • Only Sheet Metal (sheets), or
  • Only SE (Steel Engineering) plates.

The default setting is No, i.e. d.h. no DXF files fill be created.

  • beams and plates or
  • only for beams.

The default setting is No, i.e. d.h. no NCW files fill be created.

For the NCW export two same-named files (*.NCW and *.DXF) will be created. These files have the same document number and are linked to each other via the "NCF-DXF data" link. To be able to distinguish the documents they are assigned the Sheet number 1 (NCW) and 2 (DXF), respectively. When the attribute Document type is added in the the HELiOS result list the different will become apparent.

Create STEP data

Here you specify whether the STEP data are also to be auto-generated. The default setting is No.

If you set the parameter to Yes, you can select the part types to be considered for the STEP export from a selection window that you open in the Collect part types for STEP export row:


External drawing data

Here you specify whether DXF, DWG or PDF files of the production drawings are also to be auto-generated. Possible settings are as follows:

Default setting is No.

If you select Upon Checkup and Release or Upon Release, the files will already be entered upon creation and update into the database as Empty documents.


Important for PDF files:

Internally, a Postscript file will first be created, which will then be converted into the PDF format.

For this to happen, the following requirements must be met:

C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.05\bin\gswin64c -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dPDFA -sDEVICE="pdfwrite" -sOutputFile="<FilePath><FileName>.pdf" <CurrentFile>

Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Management + BIM Settings in the Configuration Editor (ManBIM)Important Information(ManBIM)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 14/09/2018

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