Transparent Toolbar

HiCAD provides a transparent toolbar for a quick and direct access to frequently used functions, such as zoom, switching of the identification mode or shading functions. The transparent toolbar is displayed in the drawing area.

Use the icon to hide and show the transparent toolbar.

Function Key

Object/Element/Group snap

Activates the identification mode .

HiCAD supports several identification modes, enabling you to reduce the number of mouse-clicks required to perform an action, thus speeding up the design process. The mode changes when you click the icon.


Show all parts

Shows all parts of the drawing, i.e. deactivated, hidden parts will be redisplayed again.


Show only active part

Hides all deactivated parts of the drawing. This function can, for instance, be helpful for the processing of parts in complex drawings.



Deletes the current drawing detail and redraws it subsequently.


View all

Determines the smallest possible screen display containing all parts of the drawing, and displays this as large as possible.

Right-click to open the Zoom, Detail menu with further Zoom functions.


Rectangular zoom window

Use this function to define a rectangular drawing detail by specifying two points. The drawing detail can also be determined with the left mouse button: Press and hold down the left mouse button and draw the required rectangle. The drawing area within the rectangle is then displayed as large as possible. By positioning the rectangle correspondingly, you can also move the drawing detail.

Right-click to open the Zoom, Detail menu with further Zoom functions.


Zoom to selection list

Use this function to function to show the currently selected part list (multiple selection) as largely as possible on the screen.

You can also find the function in the context menu for part lists (both in the drawing and in the ICN).

Right-click to open the Zoom, Detail menu with further Zoom functions.


Processing plane

When designing in 3-D, you can define arbitrary processing planes as drawing planes. This means that the drawing can directly be processed in a spatial view.


New view

Creates a new view.


Glass model (3-D)

Displays 3-D models as glass models, i.e. all edges (including the hidden ones), are visible.


Hidden Line (3-D)

Displays the 3-D models in Hidden Line mode, i.e. the edges are displayed in the surface colour, hidden edges are not displayed.


Quick Hidden Line (3-D)

Displays 3-D models in Quick Hidden Line mode, i.e. the edges are displayed in the surface colour, hidden edges are not displayed. This type of representation is used for an accelerated image formation; it is, however, unsuitable for print output.


Quick Hidden Grey (3-D)

Displays the edges in surface colour and the hidden edges in grey.


Shaded with edges (3-D)


Shaded without edges (3-D)


Rotate view

Enables you to rotate views with the mouse.


Standard AXO

Activates the Engineering axonometry 2.


Front view


Side view, from left


Top view


Active XY-plane in screen plane

Rotates the view in such a way that the XY-plane is located in the screen plane.



Please note:

User Interface 3-D Views

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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