Zoom Functions

If the object on the screen is too small or too big, you can change it using the mouse or the Zoom functions toolbar.
You can access the zoom functions via the transparent toolbar.



View all
Determines the smallest possible screen display containing all parts of the drawing, and displays this as large as possible. 


Rectangular zoom window
Use this function to define a rectangular drawing detail by specifying two points. Right-click to open a context menu with further zoom functions. The drawing detail can also be determined with the left mouse button: Press and hold down the left mouse button and draw the required rectangle. The drawing area within the rectangle is then displayed as large as possible. By positioning the rectangle correspondingly, you can also move the drawing detail


Zoom to selection list

Use this function to function to show the currently selected part list (multiple selection) as largely as possible on the screen.

You can also find the function in the context menu for part lists (both in the drawing and in the ICN).



The zoom functions take the current visualisation settings into account. This means that parts that have been hidden with the visualisation settings will not be taken into account in the Show all parts and Show only active part functions.

Visualisation SettingsFactor for View AllZooming with the MouseThe Transparent Toolbar

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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