Working without Guidelines (PE)

If you want to work without guidelines, you need to make sure that the Work with guidelines checkbox in the Part insertion tab of the Plant Engineering Settings window is deactivated.

First specify whether the part should be inserted as a main or sub-part. If you insert the part as a sub-part, HiCAD assigns it to the active superior part.

Select the required type of representation and the appropriate part directory.

If you do not want to insert the part on the connecting surface of an existing part, you can specify the required alignment by setting a local coordinate system.

Inserting a part in the drawing 

Alternatively, you can press the RMB: Select Insert point in drawing and specify the require point. HiCAD transforms the part in such a way that the part CS matches the local co-ordinate system.

Pipe Parts, Components and Pipelines (PE)Pipe Parts (PE)Plant Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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