Guideline Tools (PE)

Plant Engineering > Guideline Tools

The Guideline Tools function group provides all kinds of functions for the creation and processing of guidelines.

Please note that the Work with guideline mode must normally have been activated if you want to use the Guideline Tools functions. If this is not the case, a corresponding message will be displayed:

If you click Yes, the Work with guideline mode will be activated in the Plant Engineering Settings and the function will be continued immediately.

The following functions are available:

Create guideline

Click to open a pull-down menu with further functions:

Lengthen guidelines (only via end points)

Merge (at end points)

Fillet entire guideline

Fillet corner

Cut off corner

Fit insulation

Delete insulation

Display insulation

Specify nominal pipeline section diameter

Assign guideline remainder to another pipeline


Highlight guideline


Create dummy guideline part


Copy guideline

Draw guideline (only via end points)


Process guidelines




AutoPlace parts on guidelines


Delete individual 3-D edges

To delete the entire guideline, click and select the

Delete complete guideline

function from the pull-down menu.


Many of the processing functions for guidelines can also be accessed via the context menu. You open the context menu with a right-click on a guideline. Furthermore, you can also use the 3-D C-Edge (Sketch) functions on the Sketch tab to process guidelines.

Plant Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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