Sketch > Draw > Freehand
You use this function to draw a "freehand" B-spline by using the cursor to define a sequence of points. The B-spline is interpolated by means of these points.
If the start and end points of a B-spline are identical, the two are joined tangentially.
Clicking opens a menu with further functions:
Derives cubic splines. |
Derives tangential cubic splines. |
Derives Akima splines. |
Derives B-splines and NURBS. |
Derives spirals. |
Automatic creation of a curve (Hermite spline) with moderated curvature between 2 points. |
Applies parametric or boundary lines of a freeform surface as a curve. |
Derives surface curves. |
C-edge->NURBS |
Converts elements of a 3-D sketch to a NURBS curve. |
Definition of 3-D polylines via vector equations. The support points are connected by lines. |
Definition of 3-D polylines via vector equations. The support points are connected by circular arcs. |
Smoothes elements of a 3-D sketch. |
* only for 3-D sketches
If you use theHCM (Parametrics) functions, you can modify curve elements with the dragger. Select Sketch > HCM > Fix... > Spline property to specify the behaviour of the curve during dragging. The following options are possible:
Rigid The curve can only be moved with the dragger. |
Flexible The curve can be changed dynamically with the cursor. |
Scalable The curve can be moved, rotated and scaled with the dragger. |
3-D Sketch (3-D) • Sketch Functions (3-D)
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