Dimensioning (3-D)

3-D Dimensioning + Text  

To insert 3-D dimensionings, activate the part to be dimensioned and start the corresponding dimensioning function.

The following dimensioning functions groups can be found on the 3-D Dimensioning + Text tab:

Since Version 2008, HiCAD has supported a completely new data model for dimensioning. When loading the drawings from older HiCAD versions (earlier than 2008) with the new version for the first time, you can convert all dimensions of the drawing according into the new data model. Whether this happens automatically depends on the settings for the parameters Dimensioning ... Convert when loading in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe). You can find these parameters at ... > Compatibility > Annotations > Dimensioning, 3-D.


Please note:

Linien an Maßzahlen unterbrechen: nein(0), ja(1) [Interrupt dimension lines for dimension figures: no (0), yes (1)]

General Notes on Dimensioning (3-D)Dimensioning - Procedure (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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