3-D Sketch (Sketch)

Sketch > New > 3-D Sketch

Use this function to create a new 3-D Sketch. A 3-D-Sketch is an aggregation of graphical elements, i.e. of lines and circles, without any references to planes.

Such 3-D Sketches are, for instance, used for the generation of surfaces, the definition of points and point grids for freeform geometries, or as guidelines during the placing of cross-sections.The 3-D points of a composite edge are interpreted as support points of curves in the process.

HiCAD creates a new part named 3-D SKETCH. This part is initially assigned the part type Dummy part. As soon as elements are inserted in the 3-D sketch, the part type changes into Part with free edges.

A sketch can contain the following sketch elements: 

You can also take over individual elements of a 3-D Sketch from other drawings into the active part.

To insert a 3-D sketch as sub-part, click and select 3-D sketch, Sub-part.


The functions for sketch creation can also be accessed via the context menu for parts.

Working with Sketches (3-D)Sketch Functions (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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