Trim Sketch Elements (Sketch)

Sketch > Process > Trim

Deletes a section of a sketch element up to the nearest intersection point with another sketch element. Intersection points of lines, circular arcs and circles are allowed.

When you move the cursor over the sketch in your drawing, HiCAD will check, depending on the current cursor position, whether the sketch element has any intersection points with other sketch elements. If this is the case, the portion of the element that would be deleted will be highlighted in a different colour (magenta, Special colour Marking 1). The portions of the element that would be preserved as well as their end points will also be highlighted (Special colour Preview). The end points will be represented as small spheres.

Click to perform the deletion.

Click to open a menu with further functions for the processing of sketch elements:

Change length


Please note:

Sketch Functions (3-D)Process Sketches (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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