Change Radius of Sketch Elements (Sketch)

Sketch > Process > Trim > Change radius

Use this function to change radii of circles, circular arcs or fillets of a sketch.

After calling the function, identify the selected line/edge or use the functions of the context menu for selection. You open the context menu with a right-click during the selection process.


  • Move the cursor to the position of the first corner point of the rectangle.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and the left mouse button.
  • Release the CTRL key and draw, while still holding down the left mouse button, the rectangle.
  • When you then release the left mouse button, all lines within the rectangle will be selected.

After the first selection you will be asked to specify the new radius. The same radius will then be applied to the elements which you select next. If you want to choose a different radius, you need to end the function and select it again. Instead of numerical values you can also use formulae for the radii.

The function considers HCM constraints assigned to the processed elements as follows:


If all these HCM adjustments will not be sufficient, and situations are created where the HCM would cause extensive geometrical changes, the following message will be displayed:

Adjustment of HCM model would cause a positional change. Continue anyway?

If you select No, no radius adjustment will take place. If you select Yes, the radius will be changed, causing further geometry changes by the HCM.

If a change of the radius is not possible, e.g. because the specified radius is too large, a corresponding error message will be displayed:



In the image below the upper right radius of the sketch (1) is to be changed from 15 to 50 (2). This is only possible by changing the position of the sketch, i.e. a change of the geometry (3, 4).

Please note:

The settings from the HiCAD Special colours (e.g. Marking and Preview) are used for highlighting.

Sketch Functions (3-D)Process Sketches (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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