Helios Part/Assembly/Drawing

If you have opened a HELiOS document in SOLIDWORKS, the HELiOS Ribbon will be displayed in the user interface.

The name and the functional scope of the Ribbon varies depending on whether a Part, an Assembly or a Drawing was opened in SOLIDWORKS.

On the left half of the Ribbon you can find functions for the saving, loading and displaying of data, and for the editing of the document in the current session:

To the right of this area, you can find a function group with data transfer functions, and a function group for the input of article and document masters on the Ribbon.

Use the  Update part names function to update the part names in the component structure according to the preset configuration.

Further to the right you will find one function group for project contexts, and one for folder contexts.

Use the Open via HELiOS function to specify whether you always want to call the HELiOS document search in SOLIDWORKS, also in the general menu (when activated, the "Switched on" button will be graphically highlighted).

Use the Options function to call the settings of the local session.


Please note:

Helios for SOLIDWORKSSession Concept

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS PDM for SOLIDWORKS
Date: 30/10/2018

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