Project: HiCAD Point Cloud

Point Cloud Functions

Point Cloud

The special functions for point clouds can be found on the Point cloud Ribbon tab.


The following functions are available:

Update point cloud references

Point clouds can be replaced by other point clouds using this function. The function is started automatically if HiCAD does not find a point cloud in the path saved in the model drawing when loading a model drawing.

The orientation selected when inserting a point cloud into the model drawing can be changed with this function.

With this function a processing plane can be placed directly into a point cloud.


The functions Insert point cloud and Point cloud conversion can also be found in the menu Drawing > Insert Part > Exp. >... .


For point clouds, the point option (PW) Point from point cloud is available - both for 3-D and 2-D drawings. This point option allows you to select points from a point cloud. These points always lie on the visible part of the scanned objects. This feature is especially important when you want to measure parts of the point cloud.

The point option (PW) Point from point cloud can also be accessed from the keyboard by pressing the C key

Point clouds can be transformed, repeated, referenced in HiCAD like other parts, managed with HELiOS, etc. If you right-click on a point cloud in the ICN, the context menu for point clouds is activated.


Please noteSie:

  • Point clouds cannot be clipped with the normal HiCAD view function. This means that the function Views > Edit > Clip... function is not supported here. To dynamically cut point clouds, use the Clipping functions on the Point cloud tab instead.
  • Points can also be directly taken over into HiCAD from the FARO® As-Built Modeler. For more information, click here.

ProcedurePoint Clouds: Examples

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Point Cloud
Date: 20/01/2021     Language: 1033

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