New Point
Sketch > New > Point
When working with planar sketches or 3-D sketches sketches you can use isolated points as construction aids. These are points that do not need to lie on a drawing element, but can be entered freely in the drawing. They act as construction aids and can be used, for example, as reference points - also called fitting points - when transforming parts. For example, you can use two isolated points to define rotation axes. Point numbers are used to name points. Named points can be identified directly via their number.
Use the New point function to insert new isolated points into the sketch. Determine the point either with the cursor or with a point option.
Click to open a menu containing the New point number
This function assigns a point number to points. This is possible for start and end points of edges, isolated or already named points. Identify the point and enter the point number.
Please note:
- Isolated points and
point numbers are only visible if the corresponding settings have been
made using the Hide/Show, via element type function. You access this function via Drawing > Others > Visualisation
- The functions are only available for planar sketches and 3-D sketches. For other part types such as assemblies, solids etc. use the Point functions at 3-D Standard > Tools.
Sketch Functions (3-D) • Point Functions (3-D) • Visualisation Settings