Place/Process Cross-sections

3-D FFS > From c-edges > Framew.

Cross-sections are 2-D polylines that are placed along 3-D lines. This creates frameworks from which free-form surfaces or polyhedron surfaces can be derived.

In this menu, you will find functions for processing cross-sections, frameworks, 3-D edges and 3-D composite edges.


With this function, cross-sections can be placed on up to three guidelines. This creates frameworks from which free-form surfaces or polyhedron surfaces can be derived.

Meshes are frames with the same number of points per cross-section. This function enables you to derive meshes from cross-sections. No surfaces, but a collection of composite edges are created in the process. You can use these composite edges for further modifications.

Scales cross-sections and modifies the distance between cross-sections

Lengthens or shortens composite edges belonging to a frame

Scales a sequence of cross-sections by specifying a surface calculation formula

Divides composite edges evenly by scanning reference composite edges

Select 3-D FFS > Delete to delete guidelines or cross-sections.

Working with Cross-Sections (3-D FFS) • Interpolate Cross-Sections (3-D FFS)Polyhedral Surfaces (3-D FFS)Overview of Functions (3-D FFS)