Surface Finish

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Surface/Edge > Surf...

Use this function to assign a surface symbol to a part. The Surface specifications window is displayed.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Define the desired surface specifications in the dialogue window.


  1. Click OK to close the window. The character is now placed in the drawing.
  2. Identify an edge or a cylinder of the part to which you want the character to be assigned.
  3. Specify the reference point (insertion point) of the surface character.
  4. If you want to create the character with leader line, you have now the option to draw the leader line by specifying a start point, intermediate (fold) points and an end point. You end the leader line creation with a right-click.

If you do not want a leader line, right-click immediately after specifying the reference point.


The character is now aligned as follows:

With and without leader line: (1) Edge, (2) Reference point



In connection with the surface characters the system file surfsym.ini in the HiCAD SYS directory plays an important role.

This file has the following purposes:

  1. In this file you can determine the contents of the selection boxes of the Surface specification dialogue window. This is done in the lines 1 to 7, i.e. from A1._TEXT to E_TEXT.

For instance, if you expand the line B2_TEXT by "Rolled", this new entry can then be chosen from the selection box.


HiCAD uses the keyword %ts to gain access to the internal text service. This will not be required for your own additions, though.

  1. Here, the default settings of surface characters for new model drawings are defined. The default settings can be changed at any time via 3-D Dimensioning + Text > Surface/Edge > Surf...> Settings .

Dimensioning (3-D)Texts and Annotations (3-D)Define Surface InformationModify Surface Symbols