Table Functions

Extras > Table


With this function, tables can be copied - if required with all the data they contain. The copy can only be stored in the Factory standards catalogue.

  • move the table to the recycle bin, or
  • remove the table from the catalogue
  • The table contains one column that is linked with the attribute HEL_Sachnummer (HEL_ARTICLENUMBER).
  • The data record contains a value in this column, i.e. the field is not empty.




Further functions for the editing of tables can be found in the context menu of tables that you open by right-clicking on a table name:


  • For a faster access to frequently used tables, you can save them as favourites and reuse them at any time. To do this, right-click a table in the structure tree on the left hand side and select Add to favourites. To can define up to 25 favourites. You can then access the saved favourites via File > Favourites.

To delete a favourite, open it via the File menu. Then right-click the favourite in the structure tree on the left hand side and select Delete favourite.


New TableEdit TableImport/Export TablesStandard Parts and HELiOS (PDM)