At the bottom of the HELiOS Options dialogue window you can find the Transfer to HELiOS... button beneath Attribute assignment.
Clicking on this button opens the configuration dialogue for the attribute assignment during the import of CAD data to HELiOS.
By default, some assignments have already been made available there.
In the Source column you can see the CAD attribute, and in the Target column the corresponding attribute of the HELiOS database which will be synchronized with this attribute.
That is, when saving in the CAD system, the properties / values of the CAD file to which a HELiOS attribute was assigned here, will be appropriately transferred as HELiOS master data to the HELiOS database.
If you want to add an attribute assignment via , you first need to make a selection in the Type pull-down menu.
You can choose between the following options:
If the assignment is linked to a particular Condition that needs to be fulfilled in order that a synchronization of HELiOS attribute and CAD attribute can take place, this condition will be shown in the same-named column.
If errors occur during attribute synchronization, e.g. because an attribute has been deleted or renamed by mistake and can therefore not be found, this will be indicated in the corresponding field of the result list by a symbol.
Please note:
During reading of file properties such as file name, file extension and file paths, no difference will be made between upper case and lower case spellings.
If you want to add an attribute assignment via , you first need to make a selection in the Type pull-down menu: File property table or File property with case differentiations, Fixed value or Model property.
Clicking on removes a marked attribute assignment.
To edit a existing row, double-click the row, or mark the row with a single click and then click on (Edit attribute assignment). A dialogue window with the details of the assignment will be displayed, enabling to edit them:
Recently edited attribute assignments are marked in the overview with a symbol, added new attribute assignments with a
symbol and deleted attribute assignments with a
Please note:
Änderungen werden erst wirksam, wenn Sie im Fenster der Attributzuordnungen auf Übernehmen klicken oder es mit OK verlassen. Die entsprechende Markierung wird daraufhin entfernt. Beim Verlassen des Dialogs mit Abbrechen werden davor entfernte Zeilen nicht unwiderruflich aus der Ergebnisliste entfernt, sondern sind beim nächsten Aufruf wieder vorhanden.
Über die Pfeil-Buttons am Kopf des Fensters können Sie die aktuell markierte Zeile der Liste per Klick schrittweise weiter nach oben bzw. unten verschieben.
Mit einem Klick auf Festen Text hinzufügen in der Attibutzuornungsbearbeiotung können Sie einen frei wählbaren Text als Trennzeichen hinzufügen.
Changes will only take effect after clicking on Apply in the Attributes assignments window or closing it with OK. If you close the dialogue window with Cancel, rows that were previously removed from the result list will reappear when you call the function again.
Use the arrow buttons at the top of the window to move a marked row up or down in the list.
Click on Add fixed text in the Edit attribute assignment dialogue window to add an arbitrary text as separator.
Confirming with OK adds the fixed text to the attribute assignment...
...and, after confirming with OK again, displayed in the list of attribute assignments.
Click on Edit fixed text to change fixed text subsequently.
Make the required modifications and close the window with OK.
Click on Copy attribute assignment to take over the properties of the currently marked attribute assignment, in order to apply changes to it and save it as another one. A dialogue will be displayed, enabling you to apply the desired changes. This can help you save time, e.g. if you want to add a variation of an existing mapping between CAD and HELiOS attributes under different Conditions.
Please note:
A copied attribute assignment cannot be saved twice in unmodified state; it must always be unique.
In the File pull-down menu at the top right you can see all saved configurations for the attribute assignments to HELiOS. By default, the configurations Standard and Synchronization are available here.
The configuration file Standard plays an important role for the transfer of CAD documents to HELiOS (e.g. via New in HELiOS), while the configuration Synchronisation controls the synchronization of attributes from SOLIDWORKS to HELiOS upon saving of a document.
Click on to add further configurations.
A dialogue window will be displayed, where you can give the new configuration a name.
When it is active in the File pull-down menu, you can add and edit attribute assignments as described above.
When entering new documents with the New in HELiOS function, the mapping configuration will be offered to you beneath Input settings > Import configuration.
A click on Converter... at the bottom of the window opens a dialogue window that allows you to specify conversion properties for the data types Text (String), Floating point (Float), Integer (Integer) and Bool (Boolean).
The Conditions... button calls the Helios.TransferConditions.xml file in the Notepad, where you can view and, if required, edit the conditions for the transfer.
Click on the User-defined properties... button to add or delete further properties in a dialogue window.
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