Project: Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Management + BIM > HELiOS PDM > Linked documents
Use this function to load model drawings or other drawings that are linked to the active part.
In the dialogue window, select the desired documents by activating the corresponding checkbox and click OK.
Clicking on the symbol opens a pull-down menu with further functions:
Model drawing with part Opens the model drawing containing the active part. For instance, if you work with referenced part drawings and call this function in the original model drawing, the corresponding part model drawing will be opened. |
Production drawing Opens the production drawing of the active part. |
Production drawings Displays a list with all production drawings in which the active part occurs, i.e. also the assembly drawings. Choose the desired documents and close the window with OK. |
Mounting/customer drawings Displays a list of all mounting drawings and customer drawings in which the active part occurs. Choose the desired documents and close the window with OK. |
Itemised source model Opens the itemised source model of the active part, i.e. the model in which the part has been itemised. |
Overview of Functions (ManBIM) • Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM) • Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM) • Examples (ManBIM)
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