Project: Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)

Special Attributes

Special attributes are available for Document and Drawing Management in Civil Engineering:

Attribute Type Description


The document attribute HEL_Dokunummer will be automatically transferred to the article master attribute COMPONENT_WSDDOCUNUMBER during production/detail drawing generation. A prerequisite for the automatic transfer is that the setting Create only one production drawing per part has been chosen in the Configuration Editor.


The document attribute DRAWINGNUMBER  will be automatically transferred to the article master attribute COMPONENT_DRAWINGNUMBER during production/detail drawing generation. A prerequisite for the automatic transfer is that the setting Create only one production drawing per part has been chosen in the Configuration Editor.


The document attribute DRAWINGNUMBER_TEXT will be automatically transferred to the article master attribute COMPONENT_DRAWINGNUMBERTEXT during production/detail drawing generation. A prerequisite for the automatic transfer is that the setting Create only one production drawing per part has been chosen in the Configuration Editor.

  • The model drawing is subdivided into suitable assemblies/construction sections.
  • The assemblies are saved individually as externally referenced detail drawings.
  • The processing, itemisation and drawing derivation will then not take place in the original model drawing, but in the detail drawings of the assemblies. Due to the referencing, changes to the assemblies will also be transferred to the original model drawing.

If the usage Construction section or Production section has been assigned to these construction sections or structure assemblies, these will even be transferred to the HELiOS product structure if they are not BOM-relevant. For this to happen, the parameter Transfer non-BOM-relevant construction sections in the Configuration Editor must have been et to Yes.

Pre-mounted assemblies in BOMs

When working with pre-mounted assemblies in practice, it is sometimes required that only the assemblies, but not their sub-parts are displayed. This can be achieved with the article attribute COMPONENT_PREINSTALLED, which needs to be assigned to the article master of the pre-mounted assembly.

To ensure that the attribute is shown in the HELiOS article masks, you need to adjust the masks in HELiOS accordingly, i.e. the attribute COMPONENT_PREINSTALLED must be added as a new data field in the mask, creating a new checkbox in this way. If you activate this checkbox in the article master mask of an assembly, this assembly is regarded as "pre-mounted".



The image below shows the part structure of a model drawing and structure BOMs of the model drawing:

a) None of the assemblies is pre-mounted.

b) Assembly 1 is pre-mounted, Assembly 2 is not.

c) Assembly 2 is pre-mounted, Assembly 1 is not.

* D=Document attribute, A=Article attribute


Furthermore, you have the option to create the HELiOS attributes BENENNUNG (Designation) and SACHNUMMER (Article number) of detail drawings from template files. In this context, please read the information given at Template Files for Attribute Assignment.

Requirements for a Smooth Operation (ManBIM)Pre-planning of the Construction Process (ManBIM)Overview of functions (ManBIM)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM)
Date: 06/10/2019

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