Project: HiCAD 3-D
Sketch > Derive > Take O...
Use these functions to copy composite edges from a file into the active sketch.
Polyline from file* Creates a 3-D sketch from an ASCII file containing the coordinates of the support points. This file must have the file name extension .SZ3 and can be created in ASCII format using any text editor. Each line of the file contains the three coordinate values of a support point, separated by spaces from one another, as follows: 0 0 0 Start point The file can also contain the data of several polylines. To indicate that a new polyline is beginning, a line is specified with a non-numeric character (but not a space), as follows: 0 0 0 Start point 1st polyline etc. The coordinate values are interpreted as absolute coordinates. |
3-D spline from file* Derives a 3-D spline from an ASCII file (file name extension .SP3) using Hermite interpolation. Each line of the SP3 file contains the point coordinates and the tangent vector. The file can also contain the data of several B-splines. To indicate that a new polyline is beginning, a line is specified with a non-numeric character (but not a space). |
* only for 3-D sketches
Sketch Functions (3-D) • Working with Sketches (3-D)
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