Project: HiCAD 2-D

Clone Part

2-D Part > Clone

When you activate this function, a dialogue with the following options is displayed:

You can see the part structure in the ICN.

You can call the Clone functions via the same-named function group on the 2-D Part tab, or by right-clicking the part you want to clone and selecting the function from the context menu.


Clone part

Clone part, Move with Sketch

Pull-down menu Move

Clone part, Move, free

Last value This function enables you to perform the clone that was executed last on other parts.

Clone part, Rotate


Clone part, Mirror on line .

Pull-down menu Mirror

Mirror, via 2 points



Drawing > Others > Extras > Break up 2-D cloning

Break up 2-D cloning

Use this function to break up 2-D clonings that were created by means of macro technology. For this to happen, the cloned entity (=original part and cloned part) must be the active 2-D part – this can be achieved by right-clicking the drawing name in the ICN and selecting Auxiliary parts On/Off.

Part Functions (2-D)Transform and Clone GE (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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