Annotation of Grid-Subsystems (3-D SE)

Automatic annotation

The automatic annotating of grid subsystems is only possible for derived drawings.

An annotation of the grid sub-system will only be created if:


Display of sub-system annotation

Representation of the sub-system annotation

If the sub-system line is located in the screen plane of the view, the sub-system annotation represents a detail of this line. The connecting point of the sub-system on the grid is indicated by a symbol (can be set in the Configuration Editor).

If the sub-system line is not located in the screen plane of the view, the sub-system annotation will be represented as a vertical line. The connecting point of the sub-system on the grid is indicated by a symbol (can be set in the Configuration Editor).

Left: Model drawing with grid and grid sub-system; Right: Detail of workshop drawing


The automatic annotation settings for derived drawings can be specified in the Configuration Editor at Automatic drawing derivation > Production drawing > Grid annotation.

Manual annotation

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Settings > Grid annotation - Individual

Grid subsystems can also be annotated manually. To do this, use the Grid annotation, Individual function.

After calling the function, select the edge of the grid sub-system. The annotation will be created immediately. The settings specified at Drawing > Annotations > Grid annotation will be considered for its representation.


Please note:

Edit annotations of grid sub-systems

Use the functions of the context menu to edit and move the annotations. You open the context menu with a right-click on an annotation:



Use this function to change the representation of annotation tag in grid-subsystems. When you call the function, the following dialogue window will be displayed:

The setting options in the dialogue window correspond to the same-named parameters in the Configuration Editor.


The settings beneath Symbol only apply to automatically created annotations!


Move text/base points

Use these functions to move the text box or the base point of an annotation tag, respectively. After calling the function the text box/the base point will be attached to the cursor; you can then choose a new position.

A moving to the line start/end via Drag & Drop is also possible.



Use the functions of the Delete sub-menu to delete annotations of grid sub-systems:

Grid Annotation (3-D SE)  • Settings/Management (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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