Load Symbol, via Symbol Type (P+ID)

P+ID > Symbol > Load symbol

If you invoke the Load symbol function, the illustrated symbol selection window is displayed. Symbols are indicated in the list by • , "0"-symbols with O.

You can:

Pick the required option and select OK to exit the window.

Determine the position of the symbol by specifying the fitting point.

Before specifying the fitting point, you can select a transformation option for the symbol. Do do this, right-click to activate the context menu with the transformation functions.

Depending on the symbol type, the fittings may entail automatic actions.


Please note:

When a symbol is inserted in a connection, HiCAD checks to see if it determines a flow direction and if so whether the direction of fitting matches the flow direction (if given) of the connection. If it does not, the symbol is automatically rotated 180°.

Load Symbol (P+ID)Pop-Up Menus and 0-Symbols (P+ID)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 30/10/2018

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