Pop-Up Menus and 0-Symbols (P+ID)

A "0-symbol" is a symbol that does not have a data mask in a P+ID. As no data is available from a data mask, it is not simple to assign a 0-symbol to a pop-up menu button. Proceed as follows:

  1. Load the Symbol Library containing the 0-symbol.
  2. Create an icon from the symbol
  3. Open a P+ID and select the Load symbol option from the context menu and then the Symbol pop-up menu option. Next select the pop-up menu to which the 0-symbol should be assigned.
  4. Click the button to which the symbol should be assigned. When the cross-hairs appear, press the right mouse button to call the context menu and select the Edit button assignment option.
  5. Next, select the icon file and symbol as described in the previous section, and enter the appropriate auxiliary text.

Settings (P+ID)Load Symbol(P+ID)Variable Symbols (P+ID)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 30/10/2018

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